The stream banks, within the boundaries of the private residency, had collapsed three years previous after significant water flow along the river channel. The works proposed to remove an existing bridge and island and repair the stream bank sides. This activity required the use of heavy machinery and significant disturbance of the river bank.
HalpinRobbins were commissioned to undertake a protected species assessment of the area and advise the need for further survey works or modification of the work program to protect any features and species of ecological interest that were present on site or immediately adjacent.
After an initial survey it was found that an additional Water vole works were required as historic ecological records for the local area comprised multiple Water vole records and several Water vole droppings were found onsite. During the initial survey no Water vole burrows could be located.
It was agreed that the works would progress under a watching brief and should any burrows or Water voles be found all works would stop and the project be reassessed at that time.
HalpinRobbins oversaw the works, which were completed without stoppage. No Water vole burrows were found within the exposed bank that was repaired and no Water voles were encountered during the program of works.
If you wish to find out more about permitting, ecology services or to discuss a project or development please contact us directly for a free, non-committal discussion.
"Nothing is too much trouble and the two way communication is second to none. I would not hesitate to recommend HalpinRobbins to anyone and we wouldn`t even contemplate going anywhere else."
Samantha Southam - Managing Director
Falcon Rural Housing Limited
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