Water voles are protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), which makes it an offence to intentionally kill, injure, or take a water vole, or to damage, destroy, or obstruct access to any structure or place used for shelter or protection. It is also illegal to disturb a water vole while it is occupying a structure or place used for shelter or protection.
Before any development takes place in an area where water voles may be present, a survey must be carried out to assess the potential impact of the development on this species. There are several methods that can be used to survey for water voles, including:
If water voles are found to be present in an area where development is proposed, a development licence may be required from the relevant statutory body, such as Natural England, Natural Resources Wales or NatureScot (Scottish Natural Heritage).
Works affecting water voles and their habitats will lilkey require suitable mitigation measures to reduce the impact of the development on the water voles and their habitats. These measures may include the creation of new habitats, translocation of individual water voles to a suitable alternative site, or the provision of artificial refuges during construction works.
For a better idea about our projects and work involving water voles see our case studies or to find out how we can support your project contact us at info@halpinrobbins.co.uk.
More useful information can be found on the Mammal Society website.
Our staff maintain and enhance their knowledge of ecology and the environment through research, specialist training and by maintaining membership of several professional and specialist bodies including:
If you wish to find out more about permitting, ecology services or to discuss a project or development please contact us directly for a free, non-committal discussion.
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