Ecological Management Plans are usually associated with conservation and large scale development projects such as woodland restoration or solar farms, European Protected Species licensing and are a requirement for most Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) and Code for Sustainable Homes assessment.
For large scale development projects the requirement for an Ecological Management Plan is often a planning permission condition prescribed once the projects landscape plans and ecology surveys have been reviewed and deemed suitable by the planning authority.
Due to the diversity of species, habitats and reasons for the development of Ecological Management Plans the scope and content will depend on the species and habitats present or proposed and scale and type of project or development for which the plan is to be used.
Plans can be prepared and written at any time of the year, including winter, as the production of the plan has no seasonal restrictions. However, to produce an adequate plan for a site or project there may need to be some ecological surveys undertaken prior to the plan being written. This is because the plan will need to be produced and base on an understanding of the habitats, animals and plant species on site and in the area and the broad goals/plans for the site.
HalpinRobbins can produce Ecological Management Plans tailored to our clients' site, project and habitat requirements. For a better idea about our projects and work involving Ecological Management Plans see our case studies or contact us to discuss your project.
*Ecological Management Plans can also be referred to as:
Our staff maintain and enhance their knowledge of ecology and the environment through research, specialist training and by maintaining membership of several professional and specialist bodies including:
If you wish to find out more about permitting, ecology services or to discuss a project or development please contact us directly for a free, non-committal discussion.
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Samantha Southam - Managing Director
Falcon Rural Housing Limited
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